Fawad Khan and Richa Chadha are currently in Australia attending the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. Recently, while interacting with the media, Fawad, who has worked in both the Pakistani and Indian film industry, was reportedly asked about cultural contradiction between the two. But before Fawad could begin answering the question, actress Richa Chadha decided to answer the question on the actor’s behalf. The two were addressing the media at a press conference held at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. Read More: Indian actress comes to rescue Fawad Khan Debut at @cokestudio out today!Honored to sing with @RFAKWorld .Had no rehearsals,never been this nervous in my life! pic.twitter.com/dBNLxNIXWQ — Momina Mustehsan (@MominaMustehsan) August 19, 2016 KARACHI: Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and Momina Mustehsan’s rendition of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s iconic Afreen Afreen for Coke Studio 9 is out and creating huge waves. Read More: Coke Studio’s take on N...
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